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【09.04.29】 淡淡的伤——Sinead《A PERFECT INDIAN》

发表于 2009-4-29 19:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 樱花翩翩 于 2009-4-30 11:56 编辑
7 a6 W2 t% W9 r2 a
% Y4 _% P1 x0 [8 U+ b  W
2 m7 V! m  Z% Q% B8 l
3 S; Z: e5 n) kA Perfect Indian 3 g- ~2 c4 O8 r* S
歌手:Sinead O'connor , v! y" B) F, y) I! {
A Perfect Indian ) @% D/ _2 D$ K0 ]# A, q2 e" p+ I; w
sing by Sinead O'Cornner 7 q/ ?) `( e8 y9 b6 c+ N9 Z
A Perfect Indian is he
- O5 w, {: i5 l' H" Y! C: q8 x) |9 ERemembering him life is sweet % {+ [, `) C+ R- J
Like a weeping willow
1 l! S1 n6 M, z& w- i& n' _! `His face on my pillow . h; c1 a2 t- L/ C% T
Comes to me still in my dreams : L2 K; ~' r/ Q( F
And there I saw a young baby
% v* b3 x) o- G7 F) DA beautiful daughter was she 7 E# E6 I) \2 M5 v
A face from a painting
3 G( n/ A0 F$ z, YRed cheeks and teeth aching 8 z# Y: J- l7 n
Her eyes like a wild Irish sea
& f" t- ^' f7 a# aOn a table in her yellow dress
6 {1 F8 h8 n* z& f& eFor a photograph feigned happiness
  ]5 F# r' F6 J! u3 d$ t. RWhy in my life is that the only time
" V9 t, c5 H5 c& _- @6 i- EThat any of you will smile at me ! b8 w, y2 r, ~: z& H6 r$ {0 W
I'm sailing on this terrible ocean 8 i! O" ^, u; ?5 U
I've come for my self to retrieve 1 q. G# s0 u8 E& [) ?
Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children & Q. ~2 B8 |! h# m% y* V
And there's only one way to be free 6 }4 V% n1 j8 R" _# P! H
He's shy and he speaks quietly 6 c. v% J3 j3 m7 Y7 b* V9 }) G( @
He's gentle and he seems to me 1 K5 `3 n$ K* v. ^- {2 a
Like the elf-arrow
% N- y: ^9 {/ v3 j9 w5 {His face worn and harrowed ) C( g0 |; M9 z2 U# r) z; U3 [
Is he a daydreamer like me
发表于 2009-4-29 20:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-4-30 09:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-6 23:08 | 显示全部楼层
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